After successful completion of the course, students are able to
Additionally, student should improve their ability to
Aufbauend auf die in dem Modul „Grundlagen der Finite Elemente Methode“ behandelten Inhalte, werden zunächst allgemeine Themen wie Versionskontrolle, Planung und Test einer Implementierung vorgestellt. Nach der Vorstellung möglicher Themen für Implementierungsprojekte, programmieren die Studierenden FE Routinen oder erweitern bestehende Programme. Die Implementierungen werden anhand selbst zu entwickelnder Testfälle validiert. Abschließend wird das erweiterte Programm auf konkrete Problemstellungen angewandt.
This is a team-learning course: After a recapitulation of the necessary fundamentals and the introduction of used tools (lectures) the students collaborate within small teams to complete a project in the subject area of the course. The project progress is presented and discussed with all course participants in 3 workshops during the semester. Weekly question and answers sessions are offered to provide additional regular feedback.
The format of the course may deviate due to the pandemic.
Further information can be found in TUWEL
The course is graded based on the presentations and discussions during the workshops and the final project report.
Please sign up for the course if you are interested, groups will be organised via TUWEL
The course is aimed at students with good basic knowledge of the FE method who wish to specialise in this field (e.g. diploma thesis).