After successful completion of the course, students are able to use the basics of the software package OpenTrack of ETH Zürich for operational simulation for railways ( and of the software package FBS of iRFP for constructing timetables. After the seminary interested persons can carry out further project work for applications in railway engineering.
Introduction in computer-aided solving of questions of railway operations.
Mandatory introductory lecture for all seminar participants. If participation in the introductory lecture is not possible, participation in the seminar will be refused.
Different dates are available for the seminar half day. The seminar day takes place in the offices of the Research Department for Railways, Transport Economics and Ropeways.
Zuordnung im Masterstudium Bauingenieurwesen (Studienkennzahl: 066 505): Modul 2 der Vertiefungsrichtung Verkehr & Mobilität; Modul 3 der anderen Vertiefungsrichtungen
Unterlagen für die Vorlesung werden im TUWEL-Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt.
Aufgrund der Platzverhältnisse und der engen seminarartigen Zusammenarbeit empfehlen wir, während der gesamten Lehrveranstaltung eine Maske zu tragen sowie vor den Seminarhalbtagen einen PCR-Test durchzuführen.
Contribution to the course, report of the completed project, final presentation
The student has to be enrolled for at least one of the studies listed below
For the registration and the participation in the seminar railway simulation the prior completion of the course Railway Engineering 2 (course no. 230.039) is recommended. Students of other study programmes can participate in case of enough places left.