After successful completion of the course, students are able to comprehend the materials presented in the lecture and to draw conclusions from them, as well as to actively communicate the contents presented during the lecture.
Numerical methods and computational physics with the topic
For the exercises C,C++ is used.
Lecture with integrated exercise
Preliminary discussion: 6.3. 2022 at 16:00.In the following weeks there is a lecture on Monday starting at 15:00.
Exercises start Tu/We at 09:00 in the EDV room of the Faculty of Physics.
A tentative schedule can be found in the section Documents (Unterlagen).
Please also register for one of the two exercises (Tuesday / Wednesday) in TISS. If you are also attending the lecture "scientific computing", please choose the *same* day for the exercise.
For the final mark the results of the tests are weighted by 2/3 that of the exercises by 1/3. Additionally, you have to achieve at least 50% of the total points and at least 40% of the test points in each test.
To solve the exercise problems you should work together in teams of two.
If you failed one test you may participate in an additional test (Nachtest) at the beginning of the WS.
If you plan to improve your mark through the additional test, please inform us when you are given insight into the 2nd test.
If you only failed for the test part in a previous VU, you can take credit of your previous exercises and only participate in the test.
If because of Covid it is not possible to have presence tests, most likely there will be a special programming example as a substitute with time available for this in June.
In der Vorbesprechung am 6.3.2021 (16:00 FH HS 6) werden alle Details geklärt.Da diese LVA Pflicht für Master-Studierende ist, werden sie bei der Vergabe der Plätze vorgereiht.Wenn danach noch Plätze frei sind, können auch Studierende aus dem Baccelorstudium teilnehmen.
The student has to be enrolled for at least one of the studies listed below
Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Eds. F.W.J. Olver, D.W. Lozier, R.F. Boisvert, C.W. Clark (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Computational Physics, S. E. Koonin, D. C. Meredith (Addison-Wesley Publishing Comp., 1990)
If you have deficits here please refresh your programming skills, i.e., program, before the first exercise.
As an extension of the introduction to Fortran we also offer the elective VU Wissenschaftliches Programmieren consiting of three additional afternoons with elementary programming in Fortran.
For the physical applications:
Statistical physics, quantum mechenics, mechanis, electrodynamics.