Analog Quantum Simulators

01.12.2019 - 28.02.2022

My research proposed for ESQ concentrates on using many-body systems as AQSs and can be subdivided into two avenues:

(I) Eective Field Theories provide a simpli ed description of the "relevant" degrees of freedom of interactingmany-body systems. Understanding when and how these eective eld theories emerge and break down builds the basis of many AQSs. Extending upon [1], I propose to study these questions in a system oftwo tunnel-coupled super uids, whose relative phase realizes the quantum sine-Gordon model. This system is relevant for a number of possible AQS proposals, including my current research in analogue in ation, Hawking and Unruh-radiation, and the decay of the false vacuum. Given my interdisciplinary background, I plan to connect my current theory collaborations with experiments in JS's lab to design, validate, and extend these AQSs. To directly test the (emergent) eld theory, I will continue to develope the analysis of higher-order correlations based on equal-time QFT methods, with relevance to systems ranging from particle to condensed matter physics. (II) Universality enables us to extract exact properties of QFTs by studying systems with the same universal behaviour. A prominent example are critical phenomena. My recent work [3] hints that similar concepts also govern dynamics far from equilibrium. I propose a joint experimental and theoretical research that will allow us to shed light on the structure of universal dynamics far from equilibrium, with the goal of forming the basis for a comprehensive classi cation of non-equilibrium phenomena based on universality classes. I plan to study experiments in d = 1; 2; 3 spatial dimensions in weakly and strongly interacting many-body systems, and with them gain an unprecidented opportunity to test and extend our current theoretical predictions. In particular, I aim to analyse previously inaccessible regimes and determine (1) the emergence of universal dynamics far from equilibrium and its connection to topological excitations, (2) the role of reduced dimensions on universal dynamics, and (3) the recently proposed concept of pre-scaling far from equilibrium, possibly describing the complete equilibration dynamics. The possibility to tune the microscopic theory (controlling spatial dimensions, interactions by Feshbach Resonances, double-well potentials, and the longitudinal potential by dipole painting using a DMD) presents an excellent platform for the proposed implementations of AQSs. The manipulation and measurement techniques developed in JS's lab will allow us to initialise and study the related non-equilibrium processes, their dynamics and relaxation, as well as their emergent eld theory descriptions in detail.





  • Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften (National) ESQ Discovery Programm Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) Ausschreibungskennung ESQ Fellowship


  • Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies