After successful completion of the course, students are able to design and verify digitial integrated circuits in a team using state-of-the-art methods, and to package a design for re-usability and maintainance.
In the lab we will concuct a digital hardware design project in a team. The goal is to implement a specification, and to prove the implementation's correctness with formal verification methods.
Collaboration between colleagues is not only allowed, but encouraged. It is, however, not allowed to simply copy a design without knowing what is going on. This will be checked in the lab reviews.
The introductory session will be held on March 8, 09:00.
In the case of more registrations than places, students with an active relevant master degree (066 438, 066 439, 066 504, 066 507 and 066 508) are preferably admitted to students of other subjects. Within these groups the lot decides on the allocation of the space.