Introduction to continuous-time and discrete-time systems, the concept of state, linearity, time-invariance, state transition matrix, Jordan canonical form, equilibrium points, linearization (around an equilibrium and a trajectory), asymptotic stability of an equilibrium, input-output representation (transfer function, transfer matrix), realization problem for SISO-systems, frequency response (bode plot, nyquist plot), BIBO-stability (Routh-Hurwitz-, Michailov-, Nyquist-criterion), the concept of closed loop versus open loop, performance considerations, internal stability, asymptotic tracking, disturbance rejection, one- and two-degree of freedom loops, cascade control loops, design of control systems in the frequency domain: loopshaping technique (P-, I-, PD-, PI-, PID-, Lead-, Lag-compensator, Notch-filter), reachability and observability (reachability and observability matrix, PBH test, reachability and observability Gramian, Markov parameter and Hankel matrix), design of control systems in the state-space: pole-assignment (formula of Ackermann), observer design (trivial observer, full state Luenberger observer), duality principle, separation principle, implementation of digital controllers
Lecture notes for this course are available under
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