After successful completion of the course, students are able to name and illustrate general requirements for energy and power systems, possible ways to cover the energy demand and typical methods for energy conversion based on renewable and non-renewable energies. They can calculate simple single phase and three phase systems based on symmetrical components, and use models and behaviour of typical components of power systems in the process. They can calculate steady state and dynamical events and faults. They also can perform simple investment calculations and benchmark investigations for power system components and systems.
Requirements for energy supply: reliability, security, economy. Structure of energy systems: energy conversion, transmission and distribution. Principles of design and simulation of energy systems. Energy management: load forecast, primary and secondary control, bilancing groups and bilancing energy. Requirements for energy supply in public, industrial and faciltiy networks seen form the consumer.
Prerecorded video lecture, text book, previous exam problems are available and will be discussed, discussion of multiple choice questions