Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage:
(Bitte beachten Sie die Beschreibung in Englisch.)
Introduction: The role of transport processes in biological systems; Conservation equations; dimensional analysis and scales of motions; Transport by diffusion; Transport by convection;
Fluid Flow in the Circulation and Tissues: Oscillating flow in a cylindrical tube; Flow in Curved Vessels; Flow in Branching Vessels; Flow in arteries (Carotid Artery, Aorta, Coronary Arteries); Wall elasticity; Arterial Fluid Dynamics and Atherosclerosis; Heart-Valve Hemodynamics;
Mass Transport in Biological systems - Diffusion: Fick's law; Diffusion through a film; Diffusion through porous media and through porous membranes; Diffusion with reactions;
Mass Transport in Biological systems - Convection: Convective transport; Transport from an oxygen bubble; Convective transport with reaction;
The following methods will be used to support students in achieving the expected learning outcomes:
(Bitte beachten Sie die Beschreibung in Englisch.
The first UE lecture will be Wednesday October 20, 2021.
Students have to prepare a report with the solution of specific problems presented during the lectures, and involving the application of simple numerical techniques or the analysis of experimental data. A grade will be given based on the quality of the final report.
Please register to the course in case you want to attend the lectures
Suggested readings: