Polymers: structure, cooling from melting and solid state, elastic behaviour, state areas, materials, testing, basics of fibre-reinforced polymers inorganic materials: material glass - processing, structure, properties; oxide ceramics, silicate ceramics, properties
4 exam questions as examples:
1) Draw the DSC plot (heating curve) of a semicrystalline polymer. Explain how the the degree of crystallinity can be determined by means of this curve!
2) Describe in a few words with an example or, where appropriate, with a drawing what is meaning of:
a) a linear polymer
b) an isotactic polymer
c) branching
d) networking
e) Molar mass distribution
3) Which polyethylene has a higher density, PE-LD or PE-HD? How can the density difference be explained by the molecular shape?
4) The elastic modulus of an elastomer (NR) decreases from 3 GPa at -200 ° C to 3 MPa at room temperature, whereas the modulus of elasticity of an epoxy resin (EP) is about 10 GPa at both temperatures. Explain the different behavior.
In individual cases, such as in the case of inaccurate assessment criteria through the written examination part, an oral examination may be carried out .
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