302.670 Thermodynamics for WIMB
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, VU, 3.0h, 4.0EC
  • TUWEL course available from: 25.09.2024 00:00.


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • To identify and describe thermodynamic systems.
  • Set up and solve equations of state for ideal gases, pure substances, and gas-steam-mixtures.
  • Understand and draw state diagrams for ideal gases, pure substances, and gas-steam-mixtures.
  • Apply the first law of thermodynamics to thermodynamic systems, e.g. to calculate the energy/energy-flow of a given thermodynamic processes.
  • Apply the second law of thermodynamics to thermodynamic systems, e.g. to calculate the entropy/entropy-flow for a given thermodynamic process.
  • To identify processes which are frequently occurring in a technical context and calculate corresponding thermodynamic values.
  • To calculate energies/energy-flows of simple thermodynamic cycles for thermal engines and cooling units/ heat pumps for different working fluids.
  • To identify and interpret simple problems in the field of heat transfer and calculate corresponding thermodynamic values.

Subject of course

  • Equations of state for idealized and pure substances
  • First law of thermodynamics
  • Second law of thermodynamics
  • Simple thermodynamic cycles
  • Basics of gas- and gas-steam-mixtures (e.g. humid air)
  • Simple problems in the field of heat transfer

Teaching methods

  • This course is provided according to the FlippedClassroom concept.
  • LectureTube recordings of the contents (theory and calculation examples) will be provided in TUWEL.
  • Lecture slides and calculation examples will be provided in TUWEL.
  • Worksheets will be provided in TUWEL.
  • Homework exercises will be provided in TUWEL
  • In the course units, students have the opportunity to receive answers to the questions which have arisen while studying the teaching materials.
  • In the course units the current state of knowledge of the students will be evaluated by means of tests.
  • Supplementary literature for the course will be named. This is mostly available online.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Die VU findet als reine distance learnung LVA unter Verwendung von ZOOM und TUWEL statt.

Termine: Wöchentlich, Mi, 11:00 bis 14:00

Starttermin: Mi, 02.10.2024

Einstieg: Zuerst ins TUWEL der LVA, dort gelangt man unter
Link zu ZOOM
zum Button, mit dem man zur ZOOM-Session beitreten kann.
Die Anmeldung in ZOOM muss in der Form: Vorname NACHNAME erfolgen!

Internet-Anschluss mit einer für Video-Übertragung ausreichenden Bandbreite,
Internetfähiges Endgerät (PC, Notebook, etc.),
WEB-Cam für die Identitätskontrolle (während des Tests müssen Testteilnehmer/innen per Videoschaltung sichtbar sein),
Papier, Stifte, Lineal, Taschenrechner,
Möglichkeit, die Mitschrift beim Test ins TUWEL als .pdf hochzuladen.

Für die LVA ist auch der HS 18 Czuber MB reserviert. - Studierende können diesen nutzen, um von dort aus, mit eigenen Geräten bei der Online-Veranstaltung mitzumachen.
(Für die Möglichkeit, handschriftliche Ausarbeitungen als *.pdf hochzuladen, müssen die Stuierenden selbst sorgen.)



Course dates

Wed11:00 - 14:0002.10.2024 - 22.01.2025HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Thermodynamics for WIMB - Single appointments
Wed02.10.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed09.10.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed16.10.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed23.10.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed30.10.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed06.11.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed13.11.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed20.11.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed27.11.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed04.12.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed11.12.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed18.12.202411:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed08.01.202511:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed15.01.202511:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser
Wed22.01.202511:00 - 14:00HS 18 Czuber - MB Ponweiser

Examination modalities

The performance will be assessed on the basis of the tests performed in the course units. If necessary, participants can also be invited to an oral survey.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
02.09.2024 12:00

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Gruppe02.09.2024 08:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 282 Mechanical Engineering - Management Mandatory3. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Respectable knowledge of the fundamentals of arithmetic, differential, integral calculus, as well as about the physical dimensions and SI units.
Ability to handle Newtonian mechanics, balance of forces, mechanical work, within the scope of easy examples.

