After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
- complement and reflect on their external perspective on rural areas with internal perspectives,- explore a spectrum of different backgrounds to life and business in the countryside by recording and reflecting on spatial knowledge, everyday experience, observations, questions and ideas of residents, people living in multiple locations, natives and non-natives, immigrants, refugees, tourists, summer visitors, employees, entrepreneurs, pupils and students, cultural workers, etc.- recognize connections between spatial requirements and different living backgrounds in rural areas and incorporate these into strategy and planning processes, such as those tested in VU 280.874 Planning processes for rural and alpine areas and SE 280.875 Strategies for rural and alpine areas.
The course is bundled with VU 280.874 Planning Processes for Rural and Alpine Areas and SE 280.875 Strategies for Rural and Alpine Areas and deals integratively with rural and alpine areas and their inhabitants as well as their cultural and economic possibilities and future opportunities.
Preliminary program:
Mapping of groups of people with different backgrounds, consideration of locations for interviewsAddressing and contacting potential interview partners, arranging appointmentsInterview guidelines for narrative interviewsExcursion 24/25 April (2 days) with overnight stays in Drosendorf Castle, independent research / interviews and photo shoots on site (groups of 2), joint visits (e.g. nightwalk), joint reading and interim reflectionShort story or graphic recording, which embeds the conversations in their spatial setting; experiences, motives, ideas and perspectives of the people on site become visible Obtaining permission from the interview partnersCompilation of the short stories into an excursion reader (e.g. booklet, wall newspaper, leporello ...)
The course package for the summer semester 2024 focuses on rural areas, using the example of the northern Waldviertel and the border region of the Czech Republic. The home base is the landuni in Drosendorf Castle. Various methods of involving residents and other local/regional experts will be used.
- Mapping groups of people with different backgrounds- Preparing and conducting interviews on site- Short story (narrative approach, planning communication with story-telling, possibly graphic recording)- Editing and preparation of the "Stories from the countryside"- Teamwork (groups of two)
The course is aligned with VU 280.874 Planning Processes for Rural and Alpine Areas and SE 280.875 Strategies for Rural and Alpine Areas. It is recommended to take all three courses as a package.
It is eligible for credit as a supplementary course in elective module 2.
The course will take place in presence mode. Please note the current regulations of TU Wien.
Subject to change due to coronavirus pandemic.
This course takes place in cooperation with the landuni Drosendorf.
- Participation in the preparatory plenary (14.3.2024)- Guidelines for narrative interview- Preparation of the interview as a short story and an illustration (photo, drawing)- Participation in the overall editing (excursion reader) and final presentation
Preference will be given to students who are enrolled in the master's program.
Interest in the issues and challenges of rural and alpine areas and basic knowledge of planning tools, concepts, cultural practices and strategies are expected.