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259.501 Substitute
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2022W, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 3.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Hybrid


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage, sich mit Sprache rhetorisch und poetisch ausdrücken können. Sie sind ausgestattet mit einem Grundwortschatz an Ideen und Begriffen aus der Rhetorik und der Poetik, und haben praktische Erfahrung gesammelt und individuelles Feebback erhalten. Zudem haben die Studierenden Übungen aus dem Creative Writing kennengelernt, mit denen sich Blockaden beim Schreiben lösen lassen.


Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Basics in Rhetorics and Poetics for Architects

The principles of both rhetoric and poetics revolve – albeit in different ways – around how to express yourself skilfully, precisely, even masterfully. In poetics for example by establishing a unity of placetime and action; in rhetoric for example by demonstrating a case by means of ‘common topics’ or ‘commonplaces’, by recognising and utilising kairos (seizing and fitting the moment), and by a process of stasis, meaning the critical assessment and questioning of an argument and thus bringing an unsettled state into one of balanced stability. 

Our interest will be in how these terms are treated in the traditions of rhetoric and poetics as separate entities that play together in ‘a plot’ of which we can think architectonically. The principled treatment of these entities (place, time, and action) are not only central to every text, but also to architecture across all scales (for example place making through identification of site, task, and context of a project; time with regard to identifying a style, or a building’s classicality or modernity; and action with regard to the great importance of ‘agency’ at work in the planning and building of our environments). 

This course will be co-taught by Sebastian Michael, a professional writer of plays, novels, poetry, as well as popular science prose, and Vera Bühlmann, professor for architecture theory and philosophy of technics. There will be weekly lectures combined with practical exercises along the classical canon of "progymnasmata" exercises – adapted to our contemporary interests.






The course will consist of lectures as well as exercises: (1) Lectures on the principles of rhetoric and poetics – the students will be provided with a basic vocabulary of concept  as well as (2) exercises to acquire proficiency in articulation, which all students will be expected to participate in. There will be writing tasks for every week. 



Weitere Informationen

We will have a hybrid format with live sessions at ATTP Seminar Space and some sessions online via zoom: on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 12:30 each week.

Our ZOOM connection

Topic: VU Substitute | Modul Meta Architektur

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 948 1276 1288
Password: Diifer3U

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Mi.09:30 - 12:3012.10.2022 - 25.01.2023 VU Substitute / Welcome
Mi.09:30 - 12:3011.01.2023 VU Substitute Week ELEVEN. Critique and Recap
Substitute - Einzeltermine
Mi.12.10.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute / Welcome
Mi.19.10.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise ONE: TOPOS
Mi.09.11.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise TWO: EKPHRASIS
Mi.16.11.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise THREE: VARIETY
Mi.23.11.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise FOUR: ETHOPOEIA
Mi.30.11.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise FIVE: REMINISCENCE
Mi.07.12.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise SIX: EIDOLOPOEIA
Mi.14.12.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise SEVEN: PROSOPOEIA
Mi.21.12.202209:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise EIGHT: CHREIA
Mi.11.01.202309:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Exercise NINE: ENCOMIUM
Mi.11.01.202309:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute Week ELEVEN. Critique and Recap
Mi.18.01.202309:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute / FINAL PIECE - LAST FEEDBACK
Mi.25.01.202309:30 - 12:30 VU Substitute / FINAL PIECE


The semester will be structured in eleven meetings, ending before the Christmas break. Attending the sessions and participating in the exercises is mandatory. The students are expected to submit weekly exercises via TUWEL, and to complete the course with a longer piece of writing (due in January before the Semester ending): students will be expected to draw together all the skills from the weekly exercises, and compose a rhetorical 'oration'.



Von Bis Abmeldung bis
19.09.2022 08:00 23.10.2022 23:59 13.11.2022 23:59


066 443 Architektur Keine Angabe


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