After successful completion of the course, students are able to evaluate design and functionality, construction and materiality, as well as the impact and perception of existing architecture in a more concrete way.Building and functional typologies will be discussed, as well as the historical, social and political context. Topics include building typologies, but also historical, social and political contexts. In a one-semester course, this can only be achieved by focusing on a limited number of topics. The aim, therefore, is to provide students with a basic knowledge that can serve as a point of reference and support in further studies, especially in dealing with architecture in a historical context and, above all, in their own design work.
"Roman half-relief with a quadriga race in the Circus Maximus" Rome (2-3rd century) / Trinci Palace, Foligno, Italy / Photograph by Georges Jansoone / CC-creative commons
The lectures " Baugeschichte 1" and "Baugeschichte 2" focus on the existing building fabric and thus move thematically within the field of architecture with the greatest potential in the current building scene. With this background knowledge, the topics of the lecture are chosen in such a way that the students can gain a practical benefit for their further education and later in their professional life that they can understand: The history of building and building techniques from the early advanced civilizations to the present day, building and functional typologies and their development, aspects of urban planning history in context, analytical and critical evaluation of existing/historical architecture, and much more.
Under the following links we have collected the most important information for you and would like to ask you to study them carefully before making a personal inquiry.
👉 The lecture takes place in person in HS17. Video recordings of the lecture will be provided at the end of the lecture cycle as supplementary study material on TUWEL.
The basis for successful participation in the lecture "Baugeschichte 1" and "Baugeschichte 2" is the passing of the examinations for the preceding courses listed below: