After successful completion of the course, students are able to cope with the challenges of everyday study in a more targeted manner and to deal more constructively with hurdles such as learning difficulties, concentration problems, exam anxiety, procrastination, stress and excessive demands or dealing with digital media.
In the course, various methodological tools from neurobiology or stress and consciousness research are taught. The approach is experiential, using individual, social as well as systemic learning experiences. This ranges from meditative practices (sitting, body, walking meditations) to dialogue-based methods (dyads, exploratory conversation) to exercises aimed at gaining individual insight. The seminar is based on various recognized mental techniques, such as MBSR according to Jon Kabath-Zinn, Positive Psychology according to Martin Seligmann or Theory U by Otto Scharmer.
Building resilience means strengthening the mental powers before it becomes overwhelming. By training the mind and our own attention, we can learn to remain calm, not to be overwhelmed by problems, to develop inner distance to external possibilities, to strengthen positive feelings and to deal constructively with negative emotions. We learn to be more aware of everyday life, to reduce fears and to accept challenges with more joy and serenity. A free mind promotes clarity, concentration and creativity.
Individual, social and systemic learning experiences through- Perception and communication exercises- Dyads- Explorative conversation - insight dialogue- meditations- Body exercises- Journaling
Ort: Seminarraum 251-1, Gusshausstraße 28
Zeit: jeweils Donnerstag von 18:00 - 20:30 Uhr
8 wöchentliche Einheiten zu je 2,5 Stunden (Anwesenheitspflicht!)+ 30 Min. tägliche Übungspraxis (Meditation, Journaling, Aufgabenstellungen)
Termine:Einführung: Do, 12.10. 202319.10., 9.11., 16.11., 23.11., 30.11., 7.12., 14.12., 22.12.
Max. 15 TeilnehmerInnen.
Compulsory attendance
Assessment: Intrinsic to the examination, successfully attended or unsuccessfully attended
Handouts will be distributed during the seminar
More documents will be uploaded in TUWEL.