Participation in lectures on current topics in the field of sewer rehabilitation by internal and external speakers
Sewers are one of the most important and valuable infrastructure facilities of a municipality. The preservation of value of this infrastructure is an essential task for our and future generations. According to current data from the ÖWAV (2015), approximately 2,100 km of sewer pipelines per annum will have to be rehabilitated in the next few years, which corresponds to approximately € 610 million per year that must be invested in remediation measures. The current renovation rates are significantly lower than estimated, so that a certain pent-up demand is expected in the near future. In this seminar series, you will be given a comprehensive insight into the topic of sewer rehabilitation and / or sewer renewal.
First of all, the methods for cleaning, condition detection and evaluation of the sewer condition as well as line information systems will be presented based on practical lectures. Based on a good understanding of the current state and the need for action, an overview of the process selection for sewer rehabilitation and / or sewer renewal will be given in further lectures. Here, the description of the procedure of the Austrian Association for trenchless pipeline construction is a valuable basis. Finally, lectures will present a variety of application examples for shaft rehabilitation, various rehabilitation methods for sewer pipes and house connections.