1) Why measure? Measurement and math. Models; Fundamentals of measurements; Measuring instrumets and measuring principles (from early to present); Meteorology <=> Hydrology: Measurement of hydrometeorological phenomena (precipitation, temperature, humidity, radiation, ...): Students' presentations: 29 March 2023, 14-16:00
2) Half-day EXCURSION to the Central Institute for Meteorology, radiosonde ascension; Considerations for planning of measurement networks and measurement campaigns: 19 April 2023
3) Half-day LABORATORY WORK at the hydraulics laboratory: discharge measurements with diffrent methods, linking measurements with mathemitical models: Group 1 and 2 on 10 May 2023; Group 3 and 4 on 17 May 2023, 14-16:00
4) Preparations for the field work (see 4) - aim of the excursion (research questions, where to go, what to do, schedule, evaluation plan): 24 May 2023, 14:00-16:00
5) FIELD WORK - Measurements of hydrological characteristics in the field: 7 June 2023 (whole day)
6) Practical evaluation of the data measured in the field.
The initial meeting of the course will be held on 8 March 2023, Wednesday, starting at 14:00, at the seminar room of the institute E222, Seminar room AD 03-1. A map showing the location: https://tuw-maps.tuwien.ac.at/?q=AD0309#map