Introduction to basics of Soil Dynamics.
The course focuses on applications, e.g. dynamic compaction with various techniques, dynamic compaction control methods, etc., the presentation of experimental methods and numerical simulations.
Basic theoretical knowledge on dynamics (SDOF, MDOF, calculation methods, etc.) is required.
Intorduction to basics of soil dynamics and development of basic knowledge about seismic waves, dynamic testing and compaction as well as work integrated compaction control systems by means of examples of application and simple numeric examples.
Lecture mode in winter semester 2022:
The course will be held in presence in the winter semester 2022. In case the holding of lectures in presence is no longer permitted due to the requirements of the Federal Government or the TU Wien, a change to an online-mode is carried out.
Examination mode in winter semester 2022:
Written exams will be held in presence. In case the holding of examinations in presence is no longer permitted due to the requirements of the Federal Government or the TU Wien, a change to "written online paper exams" is carried out. Examination duration and assessment scheme remain unaffected. In this context, please refer to the COVID-19 Distance Examination Regulations of the Research Unit of Ground Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics.
Ergänzend zur Vorlesung wird das Buch „Bodendynamik – Grundlagen, Kennziffern, Probleme und Lösungsansätze“ von Jost A. Studer, Jan Laue und Martin G. Koller empfohlen, das im Springer Verlag erschienen ist.
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