After successful completion of the course, students are able to describe and to apply standards for steel design and related subjects. After preparing a project in the course, students are able to analyse a steel practice-related construction project. Moreover, they are able to produce construction drawings and to explain the three-dimensional flow of force.
The exercise course comprises the design, the analysis and the detailing of a steel construction (observation tower, spectator-stands roofing, factory building, flying roof, sports hall, aeroplane hangar and so on).
The bearing steel structure of a building or a bridge is developed considering geometric and load specifications and allowing for the applicable European Standards. Based on the developed general project, selected details shall be designed. Both the global projecting and the detailing are performed independently, but under supervision. A static calculation, a general plan and manufacturing drawings are claimed.
Ende Anmeldeschluss: Mo., 27.02.23, 12 h
- Betreuung in Präsenz (Einzelsprechstunden, vorlesungsartige Vorträge)
- Unterlagen werden ins TUWEL gestellt (Gastschlüssel folgt) bzw. erhalten Sie von den betreuenden Assistenten_Innen per E-Mail.
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The prepared projects are presented, and questions concerning the load carrying action shall be answered.
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Baustatik, Festigkeitslehre, Baustofflehre, Baumechanik.