After successful completion of the course, students are able to prepare and to perform static calculations on engineering models of selected details, occurring especially in welded steel building and bridge constructions under static and fatigue loadings.
Steel structures and the derived models for ULS, SLS and eventually FLS-design. Models for calculating the resistance: 3D or plane models consisting of members with elastic or elastoplastic properties. Selection of models as simple as possible but sufficiently exact in the results: Deriving models from the real construction. Calculation of cross section resistances. Limits for member models. Models for analysis of local bearing capacity.
Lectures on the modelling and the static calculation of typical construction details and on fatigue verifications on steel bridge constructions.
Die Vorlesung wird in Präsenz gehalten. Falls sich die Umstände bezüglich Covid ändern, findet die VU über Distance Learning statt.
Oral exams on the presented content of teaching.
Stahlbau, Baustatik, Mechanik, Festigkeitslehre