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207.026 Ecological Building Technologies 1
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, VU, 1.5h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

... reflect the basics of healthy, climate-adapted construction;

... evaluate ecological building products and building constructions;

... explain the production of different materials and constructions (e.g. insulation materials, recycled building materials, constructions made of straw, clay etc.) and

... define the different types of facade and roof greening and assess their functionality.

Subject of course

Climate change and its associated consequences represent one of the greatest global challenges of the present and the future. The building industry in particular plays a major role here, as it is responsible for around 40% of emissions, 40% of final energy consumption, and the majority of resource consumption and waste production. Climate protection can therefore only work if the ecologization of the building sector progresses.

The course "Ecological BuildingTechnologies 1" teaches students the basics of ecological and health impacts of conventional construction as well as basic functionalities and technologies of climate-adapted and ecological construction. The content of the course is presented frontally as well as discussed interactively with the students. The lectures are complemented by an exercise in which students visit a building or housing unit on their own and analyse it from an ecological point of view using a protocol.

Teaching methods

Lectures on various topics related to ecological building with interactive elements. The lectures are delivered in a hybrid format: Lectures with interactive elements are given in person, while purely frontal lectures are given online.

The lectures are complemented by an exercise in which students visit a building or housing unit on their own and analyse it from an ecological point of view using a protocol.

Mode of examination




Course dates

Mon13:00 - 15:0013.03.2023Seminarraum AA 03 - 1 1 Einführung - Nachhaltigkeit und Bauwesen
Mon13:00 - 15:0020.03.2023 (LIVE)2 Dauerhaftigkeit (online)
Mon13:00 - 15:0027.03.2023Seminarraum AE U1 - 7 3 Dämmungen
Mon13:00 - 15:0017.04.2023 (LIVE)4 Gesundes Bauen (online)
Mon13:00 - 15:0024.04.2023 (LIVE)5 Materialien und Konstruktionen (online)
Mon13:00 - 15:0008.05.2023 (LIVE)6 Ökologische Bewertung (online)
Mon13:00 - 15:0015.05.2023Seminarraum AA 03 - 1 7 Innenraumklimatologie (Gastvortrag)
Mon13:00 - 15:0022.05.2023 (LIVE)8 Begrünung (online)
Mon13:00 - 15:0005.06.2023Seminarraum AA 03 - 1 9 Begrünung

Examination modalities

There is a 75% attendance requirement for the course. That means:

- Participation in at least 7 of 9 lecture dates.

The grade for the LVA is made up of 2 parts, both of which must be completed positively:

- 30%: Timely submission of the protocol for the exercise part (independent object inspection).
- 70%: online final examination on the contents of the lecture via TUWEL and ZOOM

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
08.02.2023 13:00 27.03.2023 13:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 265 Civil Engineering Not specified
610 SOF Transferable Skills - Bauingenieurwesen Not specified


No lecture notes are available.


  • Attendance Required!

