After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
... perform sound propagation measurements and calculations.... carry out basic mathematical and metrological room acoustics analyzes.... calculate the sound transmission in a frequency-dependent manner with simple constructions based on SEA and standardized calculations.... give a lecture on a construction or room acoustics topic.
Sound sources; Sound propagation; Absorption, scattering of sound waves on surfaces; Parameters for assessing audibility in rooms; Determination of absorption and scattering properties of surface systems; Simulation models for room acoustics; Environmental noise; Measurement and evaluation of sound fields outdoors and in rooms; Acoustic behavior of components; Structure-borne noise propagation in building structures; Typical structure-borne sound sources and airborne sound sources in buildings; Detailed calculation of sound transmission between rooms
Introductory lectures; Practical task close to reality; Lab measurements; prepare and hold a 15min talk on a topic
Please join the tuwel course before the course starts and carry out the tasks in the course topic "Wiederholung"
1. All practical exercises completed positively2. written final exam with questions on the theoretical background and calculations
Bauphysik VO
Foundations of building science