After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
๏ Understand embedding computers in work and everyday life.
๏ Know about concepts, theories, approaches, methods, and systems in this context.
๏ Apply concepts and principles for developing support systems.
๏ Execute diverse approaches to developing and applying applications and implications of using such systems.
๏ Context-Aware Computing Context, modeling, examples, design guidelines.
๏ Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Basic knowledge of work, work processes, organizations, group processes, group behavior, opinion forming process in groups | Basics of cooperative work, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) | Coordination mechanisms and systems.
๏ Social interaction in everyday life, Types of communication | social roles | basic knowledge of social learning processes | media use and usage | types of interaction
๏ Human Centered Design Understanding of work and life realities of users in the design of technical systems and artifacts | Active cooperation between designers and users | Active cooperation between designers and users
๏ Design Studies Understanding of designing and the working practices in design disciplines | Inter- and transdisciplinary design.
๏ Green IT
๏ Companion Technologies Fundamentals of Digital Assistants | Human-Machine Interfaces for Supporting People with AI/MachineLearning
Professional and methodological knowledge:
Understanding context-sensitive systems (in work and in everyday life).Knowledge of concepts, theories, approaches, methods, and systems in this contextKnowledge about concepts and principles of development of supporting systemsKnowledge of diverse architectures, models, development environments, approaches to development, requirements for systems, applications, and implications of using such systems
Cognitive and practical skills:
Application of the methods of user-centered design, with the elicitation of requirements, generation of specifications, and evaluation of the resulting systems or prototypes through use of ethnographic methods and contextual designSocial skills, innovation skills, and creativity:
Working in groups to understand, design, and experiment with collaborative worlds
Pre-lecture Meeting: 07.03.23, 14:00 (FAV HS1)!
Project topic: "Beyond human senses: Augment your sensory experiences"
ECTS breakdown
4 Ects = 100 hours
1h - introduction to the lecture32h - lecture time42h - working on assignments25h - time for written course summaries
Written in the form of practice assignments and summaries of course content.