Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
- grundlegende Probleme im Netzwerkdesign wie Steiner Trees und Steiner Networks mittels Kombinatorischer Approximationsalgorithmen, Primal-Dual Verfahren, Integer Linear Programming (ILP) sowie Branch and Cut zu lösen.- Soziale Netzwerke mit graphentheoretischen Konzepten zu analysieren.- Algorithmen zur Lösung von Netzwerkproblemen zu implementieren und auf Standarddatensätze anzuwenden.
1) Network design- Two fundamental network design problems: Steiner trees and Steiner networks (aka survivable network design problems). Complexity, combinatorial algorithms with constant approximation ratio, primal-dual algorithms, integer linear programming (ILP) models and branch-and-cut2) Analysis of social networks- Strong and week ties, betweenness measures, graph partitioning- Networks in their surrounding contexts: homophily, affiliation- Positive and negative relationships: structural balance, weaker form of structural balance, generalization- Cascading behavior in networks: diffusion, cascades and clusters. Knowledge, threshold and collective action. The cascade capacity.- Basics of Game Theory and its application to Networks- Influence Maximization in Networks- Link Analysis and Web Search
In the practical assignments, students will develop algorithms for solving related problems using standard network data sets available in the literature.
Frontalunterricht, Vortrag über eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit/Buchkapitel, Programmieraufgaben
Total: 3 ECTS points (i.e, 75 hours):25 hours: Lectures 10 hours: Student Presentations 20 hours: Preparing the programming exercise and homework assignments 19.0 hours: Preparing the written exam 1.0 hours: Written Exam
HINWEIS: Wegen der COVID-19 Pandemie wird die schriftliche Prüfung als Take Home Exam (mit Online-Abgabegesprächen) gestaltet.
Schriftliche Prüfung (50%), Programmieraufgaben (35%), Präsentation (15%)