Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage in der Lage unterschiedliche Werkzeuge, Sprachen und logikorienterte Methoden zum deklarativen Problemlösen zu benennen und zu erläutern, sowie theoretische Zusammenhänge korrekt zu argumentieren. Im Speziellen können nach positiver Absolvierung des Moduls die Studierenden
- die eingesetzten Techniken und Methoden formal analysieren,
- Methoden und Techniken für eine vorgegebene Aufgabenstellung zielgerichtet auswählen, sowie
- Lösungen und Formalismen kritisch bewerten.
This course provides applications and examples from the area of declarative problem solving. The course is the practical part of the accompanying lecture of the same name and consists of solving tasks from the area of SAT and QSAT, as well as from answer-set programming.
Attention: The lecture will be held in mixed presence/distance-learning modus. Exercise sheets will be available through TUWEL in due course as the accompanying lecture part proceeds and solutions are to be uploaded in TUWEL too. Turn-in discussions and tutor hours will also be in presence and/or online mode.
Registration until the deadline is mandatory as follows:
- Subscribe to course in TISS and activate forum participation.
- Register at "Declarative Problem Solving Course Registration".
- Registration (as above) is required.
- No belated possibility to (un-)register after the registration deadline!
- The above group is for registration purposes only. The course exercises are single student exercises; "teamwork" solutions, at least obviously identical turned-in files, will not be accepted.
Further organizational details (dates, turn-in discussions, etc.) will be posted in TISS and/or TUWEL.
Availability of tutors for questioning will be made available as part of the corresponding TUWEL course. The tutor hours will be announced in TUWEL.
Two projects
- Project 1: SAT (turn-in deadline: December 1, 2022, 23:55).
- Project 2: Answer Set Programming (turn-in deadline: January 19, 2023, 23:55).
Die Beurteilung erfolgt auf Basis er abgegeben Lösungen der Aufgabenstellungen.
< 51 Punkte: N5
>= 51 Punkte: G4
>= 63 Punkte: B3
>= 75 Punkte: U2
>= 88 Punkte: S1