After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
- understanding of the urban water cycle with a focus on health related water quality issues in depth,
- present a basic overview on methods allowing for hazard characterisation, exposure and risk analysis,
- derive appropriate measures for chemical/microbial water quality management,
- autonomosly find solutions for basic water quality hazards, identification for their occurrence, fate and treatability within the urban water cycle and for respective mode of actions.
1) The urban water cycle and related challenges for human and environmental health
2) Chemical vs. biological hazards, environmental vs. human health, modes of (detrimental) action
3) Evaluating the negative effects of chemical/microbial hazards; derivation of threshold-values
4) Water quality targets, international guidelines and standards
5) Exposure assessment: MEC against PEC –> focus on inventories and emission models for trace substances, tier approach
6) Chemical/microbial risk assessment along the urban water cycle: hazard identification, risk characterisation, quality targets
7) Hazard and risk management: diffuse versus point source pollution; technical versus organizational measures, water versus waste water treatment