After successful completion of the course, students are able to better understand the basic principles of organic chemistry. Exam questions are worked on and training in understanding "how to solve synthetic problems" will be given. Within this seminar we expect a deeper understanding in the principle of reaction mechansim in organic chemistry.
Topics of the Organic Chemistry I lecture are explained using exam examples. The chapters accompanying the lecture are worked through step by step to increase understanding of organic chemistry. The seminar should also serve as exam preparation.
Selected examples from organic chemistry are given out as exercises for elaboration. These are then uploaded to the TUWEL and discussed online the following week.
Technical requirements are a zoom-capable device with microphone and camera.
For a positive grade, it is necessary to have worked out and uploaded 80% of the exercises.
Preliminary meeting: 11th of March 2024 via Zoom
Proof of performance is provided by attendance and cooperation.
Die Anmeldung im TISS ist erforderlich, damit dann auch Zugang zum TUWEL Kurs möglich ist.
Es wird empfohlen, die LV parallel zur Organischen Chemie I VO zu besuchen.