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120.128 Lectures for Future II
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024S, VU, 2.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • LectureTube course
  • Format: Blended Learning

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to analyse the complexity of the current Climate Crisis, its impact on environment and society, and possible soloutions through a wide variety of view angles.The students will gather expertise and learn concepts from a wide variety of disciplines, including natural sciences, technology, (socio-)economics, behavioural sciences, the arts, and many more.

Subject of course

The course "Lectures for Future" is a varied mosaic of lectures addressing the ecological and societal challenges of the current climate crisis. The aim of the course is to view the climate crisis from a wide range of disciplines. "Lectures for future" are supported by the Scientists4Future (https://www.scientists4future.org/) movement.

In the summer term 2024 13 Austrian universities (BOKU, TU Wien, VetMed, Die Angewandte, WU Wien, FH BFI Wien, FH Krems, JKU Linz, FH Kufstein, Uni Wien, Uni Klagenfurt, Montanuni Leoben, MDL) organise this lecture series. In total, over 80 different lectures are offered, each university offering a unique programme. The course "Lectures for Future II" at TU Wien covers 16 lectures given by external experts and podium discussion.

Teaching methods

Lectures, discussion, video

Mode of examination


Additional information


Wouter Dorigo (Technische Universität Wien) - Introduction into the Lectures for Future

Thomas Brudermann (Universität Graz, Department of Environmental Systems Sciences) - Climate change - so what? On the art of excuses in climate protection

Nadine Thielemann & Martina Berrocal (WU Wien & Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena) - Pragmatic Patterns and Discourses on Twitter: Unpacking perspectives in the discuassion of the Turów lignite mine

Heribert Insam (BioTreaT GmbH) - Microbes and Climate

Michael Kuba (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering) - What animals do we see in the Mediterranean?

Renate Christ (Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen & Weltorganisation für Meteorologie, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, retired) - Brief history of the UN Climate Convention

Georg Reischauer (WU Wien & JKU Linz) - Digital Sustainability: How Organizations Can Leverage Digital Technologies for a Greener Future

Daniel Huppmann (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - IIASA) - Pathways to Climate Neutrality: Scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models and their use in the IPCC process

Benedict Becsi (BOKU, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie) - How climate models work and what to do with them

Verena Fellner-Denk (FH Wien) - How to spot deceptive environmental Claims - Greenwashing vs. sustainable Communication

Michael Has (Institut National Polytechnique Grenoble) - Sustainability reporting for companies

Holger Ott (Montan Uni Leoben) - Geological CO2 Storage: Opportunities and Risks of a Controversial Technology

Peter Hietz (BOKU) - Tropical forests and climate change


Johannes Jäger (FH BFI Wien) - Hope for green finance? How can sustainable financing contribute to climate protection?

Thomas Zehetner (World Wide Fund For Nature - WWF) - The geopolitics of the climate crisis. How global warming and the energy transition are changing Europe's role in the world

Susanne Schödel (Susanne Schödel GmbH Environment Data) - Coming back to earth - but which one?  Climate change from a glider pilot's perspective

Johannes Waldmüller (Universität Wien & Brot für die Welt/Diakonie-ACT Austria ) - Climate change between the global South and North



Course dates

Mon17:00 - 19:0018.03.2024 - 10.06.2024EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Lectures for Future II - Single appointments
Mon18.03.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon08.04.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon15.04.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon22.04.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon29.04.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon06.05.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon13.05.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon27.05.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon03.06.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II
Mon10.06.202417:00 - 19:00EI 9 Hlawka HS - ETIT Lectures for Future II

Examination modalities

Compulsary attendance, active participation in discussions and written reflections

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
25.01.2024 00:00 18.03.2024 20:00



No lecture notes are available.


