Real and complex numbers, elementary functions, power series, differential and integral calculus of functions of one real variable.
This course will run concurrently with the exercise 104.604 Mathematics 1 for MB, WIMB, and VT. However, participants from all fields of study are welcome!
In each week in which exercises classes of 104.604 are held, there will be a discussion of case studies as a live stream via Zoom. Attendance at the live stream is recommended to be able to ask questions.
There will be a quiz before each of the tests of the accompanying exercise (duration: 45 minutes), which you can repeat once (the best result counts).
To participate in this course, please register via TISS. You will then be added to the TUWEL course.
Once you participate in the first quiz, you will be issued a certificate for this course. The evaluation will be based on your points achieved in the quiz. At least 50 % of the points are required to pass.