After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
Module „Diversity Basics“: In this course you will gain basic knowledge about the most important categories of diversity in our society and about our social behavior. Through targeted self-reflection and by questioning your values and privileges you can take on more responsibility concerning your own approach to diversity. You will understand that it's worth letting go of old standards. And you will know how to improve your own personal diversity competence.
Module "Sexual Harassment at University and at Work": This course will allow you to become well-informed and competent on dealing with sexual harassment at university and at work and learn about the essential laws and regulations. Using practical cases, you’ll see which forms of sexual harassment exist and which factors you have to pay particular attention to in the university context.
Module "Unconscious Bias": In this e-learning, you’ll find out how unconscious biases are created, even in your brain. You'll become aware of your own distortions and gain an insight into the spectrum and depth that unconscious biases can have on success. Develop strategies to systematically reduce mistakes in your decision-making processes in the future.
With the e-learning courses developed especially for TU Wien on the topics of "Sexual Harassment at Work and Study", "Unconscious Bias" and "Diversity Basics", an intensive and critical exploration of this topic is encouraged. The three courses are about taking an honest look behind these terms, clarifying legal issues, and sharpening your sense of what discrimination means. You get a gift with these courses: the opportunity for self-reflection. You will certainly not find any moralizing lectures in the process. Participation is worthwhile!
Three E-learning courses; Theoretical introduction; Examples and practical cases; Intermediate quiz; Final quiz.
"This course may be taken as an elective course for the Gender and Diversity Competency Supplemental Certificate. More information about the certificate can be found here."
With the certificate Gender and Diversity Competence, graduates prove their competence in the consideration of gender and diversity aspects.
Prerequisite for the issuance of the certificate is the completion of courses from the following list in the amount of at least 16 ECTS.
Three courses amounting to 7 ECTS must be completed; for the remaining 9 ECTS, all courses from the list "Optional Courses" can be chosen.
List of courses can be found here.
Completion of one final quiz per module (a total number of three modules). At least 70% of the maximum points have to be achieved per final quiz. The certificate will be issued at the end of the semester.