057.029 Syntax-based Japanese II
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022S, VO, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to translate sentences of any complexity from Japanese into German. It is irrelevant whether it is a simple grammatical structure with only one predicate or compound technical texts with a variety of different Sino-Japanese characters (Kanji).

The 2 main skills taught are:

  • derive the Sino-Japanese characters by a mnemonic code in order to search a hierarchically based index comparable to a common alphabet with a code dictionary for the the German/English term.

  • the syntactic analysis of the elements of a sentence, whereby it is shown that each main or subordinate clause can be broken down into just 5 grammatical constructions and can ultimately be shaped into a precise translation with step 1.

The Japanese-German Code Dictionary with 12,000 terms and Japanese-English Code Dictionary with 80,000 terms already exist. The latter is particularly recommended for those who want to understand Japanese written technical information (instructions for use, manuals, abstracts, etc.) or who are interested in doing research in Japan. Around 22 postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers annually take advantage of the generous offer of the Japanese government to study abroad (see grants from the scientific exchange program). A computer supported sentence analysis of the Japanese language is still being researched on. However, the lessons are entirely oriented towards this new method of translation

The translation process is mainly intended in the direction of Japanese-German, whereby the content conveyed means that the reversal from German to Japanese based on the grammar is not a problem. This is also shown using examples.

Within the course around 100 pages of texts and leaflets are distributed for the understanding of the 5 grammatical constructions.

Subject of course


Nachschlagen von japanischen Wörtern: mit Hilfe eines mnemotechnischen Codes, der aus der Form der sino-japanischen Schriftzeichen abzuleiten ist, erfolgt das Nachschlagen von japanischen Begriffen im sog. Code-Wörterbuch oder am Computer in Sekundenschnelle. Ein Japanisch-Deutsches Code-Wörterbuch mit 12.000 Begriffen und das sog. Japanese-English Code-Dictionary mit 80.000 Begriffen existieren bereits. Das letztere ist besonders denjenigen zu empfehlen, die japanisch geschriebene technische Informationen (Gebrauchsanweisungen, Manuals, Abstrakte, etc.) verstehen wollen oder die das Interesse haben in Japan zu forschen. Jährlich etwa 22 postgraduale bzw. postdoktorale Forscher nehmen das großzügige Angebot der japanischen Regierung (siehe Stipendien des wissenschaftlichen Austauschprogrammes) wahr. Lesen und Verstehen von japanisch geschriebenen Texten: an einer computerunterstützten Satzanalyse der japanischen Sprache wird zur Zeit noch gearbeitet. Der Unterricht ist jedoch gänzlich auf diese neue Methode des Übersetzungsvorgangs ausgerichtet. Als Lehrbehelf werden ungefähr 100 Seiten Texte bzw. Merkblätter ausgeteilt.

Die zu dieser LV gehörige Übung (UE) wird parallel mit den Vorlesungen abgehalten (Hausaufgaben).

Teaching methods

The basic knowledge of sentence analysis (grammar) is one of the main premis of the course. Instead of learning more than one hundred existing, pre-defined "sentence patterns" of the Japanese language, the complete grammar is explained by only five basic constructions.

Mode of examination


Additional information

⚠️ Due to the measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the course is expected to be offered via distance learning. 
The access to the weekly stream takes place in TUWeL and is handled by Zoom. However, participants do not need a separate account for this.


👨‍🏫 Acess to the Zoom meeting via https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/96228792499 or the respective link in TUWeL.


📑 General rules

Since an immanent part of the culture of a country is connected through and with the language, in the course of our teaching such contents are often explained from time to time. This includes adhering to rules that have great value in social coexistence in Japan. Therefore, the following points are essential for a successful passing:

  • There is compulsory attendance, which is controlled in each lecture (also online).
  • Apologies for being absent will only be taken into account in the case of timely announcement before the lecture or upon presentation of a corresponding confirmation, in case of an important prevention (eg illness).
  • The language of the course is German, the translation from Japanese must also be available in German during the examination.

Success can only be guaranteed if the lectures are attended continuously and homework is completed on time. Part of the exercises can also be worked out at home, which usually have a 2 weeks' schedule.

📝 Transfer into the summer semester and requirements to enter the exam

  • Attendance of the VO: ≥ 80% per list (this corresponds to a maximum of 2 VO per semester as absent) AND
  • Delivery of HA: ≥ 80% on time and positive (see information sheet on homework)

  • Deadline for WS: Last lecture in December
  • Deadline for the SS: First Lecture in June

At the deadlines, the two criteria will be evaluated. If the conditions are not already fulfilled here, it is not possible to transfer to the 2nd semester or to take the exam at the end of the SS. The re-entry is provided in such cases only in the next academic year. If the attendance is reduced or the deliver of homework in the rest of the lectures falls below the mentioned limit until the exam, the conditions are also not met.


Exceptions are only considered for valid reasons with appropriate proof (eg medical confirmation of a disease, etc.).

For more information, see the information sheet on the specified website.


📧 All inquires concerning the course directly christoph.guss@tuwien.ac.at



Course dates

Fri15:00 - 17:3004.03.2022 - 24.06.2022 (LIVE)Syntax-based Japanese II
Syntax-based Japanese II - Single appointments
Fri04.03.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri11.03.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri18.03.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri25.03.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri01.04.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri08.04.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri29.04.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri06.05.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri13.05.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri20.05.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri03.06.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri10.06.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri17.06.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II
Fri24.06.202215:00 - 17:30 Syntax-based Japanese II

Examination modalities

⚠️ This course is set up to be finished in 2 semesters.

The written exam and the issuing of the certificates will only take place at the end of the summer semester (for both semesters, ie WS and SS for VO and UE parts). The certificate of the UE part is only awarded upon successfully finishing the VO.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
24.02.2022 00:00 04.03.2022 23:59 04.03.2022 23:59

Application is currently locked manually.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 490 Technical Chemistry Not specified
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Some talent and interest to learn languages. Knowledge of the English language is of great advantage

Preceding courses

Accompanying courses


