After successful completion of the course, students are able to...
... publication processes, and independently plan a publication strategy.
... understand the implications of Open Science and Open Access when publishing and disseminating research results.
... manage and, if possible, publish research data, to improve transparency and to foster discoverability and impact of your research.
... manage and foster your own scientific digital profile in order to increase your findability and visibility as a researcher.
... identify methods and tools to evaluate research.
... learn to plan your own targeted publication strategy (why and what to publish; authorship and collaboration; where to publish; i.e. choosing a journal; raising the research profile; sharing publications and data...).
- What is a publication strategy?
- What are Open Science and Open Access, and how can they influence the publication and dissemination process?
- What is the implication of publications and research data findability, and how can they be made “FAIR” (“findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable”)?
- What is a scientific or academic digital identity?
- What are persistent identifiers (PIDs), and how to use them?
- Which indicators apply in the evaluation of research?
- Tips and tricks for publishing and disseminate your research
- How to plan a publication strategy?
Theoretical inputs, active participation, practical exercises, multiple choice-Test, and drafting of a publication strategy
Target group: doctoral and master's students.
Participants are expected to turn on the camera. Sessions won't be recorded.
Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)
Active participation. Practical exercises. Multiple choice-Test on February 7, 2023. Submission in TUWEL of a publication strategy by February 14, 2023.