Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
- Research scientific literature to a specific topic and cite used literature correctly
- Develop coherent arguments and structure them according to academic standards
- Provide feedback to the work of others
- Present a scientific topic in a given time in English (group presentation)
Technologies are strongly affecting the way we communicate, move, work, collaborate and so on. In recent decades, many debates have emerged regarding the potential ethical issues and challenges of new technologies. Such debates have highlighted the relationship between technology and society.
Awareness about the intricate relation between technology and society is becoming increasingly important. This course will provide students with basic insights into concepts and theories from fields like history of technology, philosophy of technology and ethics, science and technology studies (STS). Furthermore, specific attention will be paid to specific topics that are strongly debated recently, such as for instance AI Ethics or the impact of robots on the job market.
Apart from that, students will dive into chosen case studies that exhibit the relation between socio-ethical issues and technology. Students will be able to choose their own case study freely and based on their own interests, but suggestions will be provided. Examples could be: Robot and AI ethics, Public trust in biotechnology & vaccines, the depiction of technologies in Science Fiction, etc.
Finally, the course is specifically designed to be open for students from all disciplines. That is to say, even though the content of most theories that we look into originates in the Humanities and Social Sciences, the course is very much accessible to people from other disciplines and fields.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung kann für das Zusatzzertifikat „Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz“ als Wahl-Lehrveranstaltung absolviert werden.
Mit dem Zertifikat Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz weisen die Absolvent_innen ihre Kompetenz in der Berücksichtigung von Gender- und Diversitätsaspekten nach.
Voraussetzung für die Ausstellung des Zertifikats ist die Absolvierung von Lehrveranstaltungen aus der folgenden Liste im Umfang von mindestens 16 ECTS.
Drei Lehrveranstaltungen im Umfang von 7 ECTS müssen verpflichtend absolviert werden, für die verbleibenden 9 ECTS können sämtliche Lehrveranstaltungen der Liste "Wählbare Lehrveranstaltungen" gewählt werden.
Liste mit Lehrveranstaltungen.
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