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015.113 Technical English Presentation B
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to speak and give talks about technical and scientific matters in English. Through giving and observing presentations on a wide variety of subjects, analyzing form and content, and providing and receiving feedback you will increase your technical vocabulary, acquire a natural and confident use of scientific English, and improve your grammar and pronunciation.

Subject of course

Course content: This course emphasizes presentation. Each student will give a 10-minute technical presentation with a question and answer session followed by a feedback round. Students will get practice with a variety of presentation media: flipchart, whiteboard, and Powerpoint. Technical essay writing is also included. Special focus will be given to the following: Presentation Structure and Take-home Message How to deal with Stage Fright The effective use of Visuals How to give feedback and improving your own presentation by giving feedback Vocabulary building through broad exposure to technical topics Pronunciation of technically relevant words: analysis, hypothesis, height, etc. Spelling & Word Differentiation: lose vs. loose / personal vs. personnel / etc. Avoiding Typical Germanisms Punctuation: Apostrophe and Comma use Correct Citation / Avoiding Plagiarism / Research Methods

Teaching methods

Every student gives a 1-to-2 minute Self-Introduction, which in combination with an English assessment quiz provides a baseline of the student's abilities in both presentation and English. Each student then gives a 10-minute presentation on a technical, scientific, or business topic of their choice. All students train the art of giving corrective feedback on the topics: Structure - Story & Message, Visuals, Body Language, and Speech & Articulation. There is a written and oral midterm exam, where grammar, pronunciation, and the principles of effective presentation are tested.  This is followed by each student giving a 1-2 minute Elevator Pitch, followed by the final exam. 

Mode of examination

Written and oral

Additional information

Testing and Evaluation of Mastery: Technical Presentation / Term Paper / Oral and Written exam Target group: all faculties with high school English knowledge and above, and basic knowledge of technical terminology.



Course dates

Mon08:00 - 10:0006.03.2023 - 26.06.2023HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Technical English Presentation B - Single appointments
Mon06.03.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon13.03.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon20.03.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon27.03.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon17.04.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon24.04.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon08.05.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon15.05.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon22.05.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon05.06.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon12.06.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon19.06.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B
Mon26.06.202308:00 - 10:00HS 14A Günther Feuerstein Technical English Presentation B

Examination modalities

(20 points)       1-2 minute Self-presentation

(100 points)     10-minute Presentation on a Technical or Scientific Topic 

(15 points)        Feedback: Structure, Story, and Message 

(15 points)        Feedback: Visuals

(15 points)        Feedback: Body Language

(15 points)        Feedback: Speech & Articulation

(20 points)        1 Role: Chairperson, Camera Technician, Heckler, or Coordinator

(100 points)     Midterm Exam: written and oral (Pronunciation)

(100 points)     Final Exam: written and oral (Elevator pitch)

Grading Scale: 

360 – 400              1

320 – 359              2

280 – 319              3

201 – 279              4

    0 – 200              5

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
17.02.2023 09:00 05.03.2023 09:00 05.03.2023 09:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
066 645 Data Science Not specified
066 926 Business Informatics Not specified
884 Subject: Informatics und Informatics Management Elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.


  • Attendance Required!

